July 02, 2015
Spitfire Girl DIY: Make your own box card!
Here at the Spitfire Girl Headquarters one of our most favorite days of the week is when we get to spend some time doing actual crafts! One of our most favorite crafts is making the Spitfire Girl Box Card - which coincidentally was one our very first products.
The Spitfire Girl herself, Kristin Schroder, has put together this step by step on creating the perfect box card.
Spitfire Girl Box Card DIY
1. Gather the necessary materials!
You will need a glue gun, some white glue, spray adhesive, scissors, a decorative figurine (we used a cat) some moss, a spoonful of glitter, a piece of felt, one photo that you can cut for a background (we printed one from the internet) and one photo you can cut to use for the top of the box ( we also printed ours - the little gnome- from the internet.)
2. Cut the printed out background photo so that it matches the dimensions of the box and use your hot glue gun to secure the photo the the back of the box.
3. Take your piece of felt and cut in a half circle. Use your white glue to dab a few spots on the bottom of the felt and then secure the felt piece into the box.
4. Next take your figurine and dab some hot glue onto the base of the figurine ( we hot glued up this cat's little paws) and on the back of the figurine so that it sticks securely to the back of the box up against the decorative background photo.
5. Take your hot glue gun and dab a bit on top of the felt, next to the figurine where you would like your moss to go. Place your moss on the dab gently with your finger but be careful not to burn yourself!
6. After your moss and figurine are securely in place, take your spoonful of glitter and add some sparkle by loosely spooning some glitter into the back of the box.
7. Grab your print out for the top of the box and make sure you've cut it to match the shape of your box top. Coat the back with spray adhesive and press it on the top of the box lid.
8. Flip over the box lid, and write your message inside!
Still need some inspiration? Here's our first ever box card!
Find all our box cards here!
Happy Crafting!
Spitfire Girl