Gemstone Crystal Bracelets

$ 18.00
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Our Crystal Bracelets, are a harmonious blend of elegance and spirituality, thoughtfully packaged in a charming glass bottle, ready to enchant and delight. Crafted with precision and care, each bracelet features genuine crystals renowned for their unique healing properties and aesthetic allure.

Rose Quartz – The harbinger of love. Imbued with the essence of rose quartz, this bracelet becomes a conduit for the infusion of love into your relationships – existing and budding. A cosmic gesture to shower a little more love upon yourself, a self-care ritual set in stone.

Clear Quartz – A mind-clearing maestro. This transparent luminary serves as a guide, aiding in the purification of your intentions. Manifestation becomes an art, and clarity reigns supreme. Your mind, a canvas, awaits the brushstroke of intention.

Citrine – The luminary of mental prowess. Stimulating mental acuity, citrine illuminates the path to focus. Mind and body synchronize, negativity dissipates, and joy blossoms. Happiness becomes a palpable presence, transforming the very fabric of your existence.

Amethyst – A healer of realms. With healing powers transcending physical ailments and emotional turbulence, amethyst stands as a sentinel for Energy Healing and Chakra balancing. A conduit to serenity in the storm of life.

Aventurine – The herald of prosperity. Financial health finds its companion in aventurine. A talisman of prosperity, guiding the seeker toward a flourishing abundance in the tapestry of monetary well-being.

Tiger's Eye – The embodiment of integrity. This tiger's eye bracelet enhances integrity, willpower, and practicality. As you adorn your wrist with this courageous crystal, it whispers encouragement to live boldly and embrace fear with unwavering bravery.

Amazonite – The playful provocateur. Encouraging playfulness in relationships, personal endeavors, and professional pursuits, Amazonite dances with spontaneity. A playful breeze in the stoic corridors of life.

Fluorite – The stabilizing force. An anchor for decision-making, an enhancer of concentration. Fluorite absorbs and neutralizes negative energies, paving the way for heightened intuition and unwavering focus.

Tourmaline – The guardian of energy. Creating a protective shield against unwelcome energies, Tourmaline stands as the guardian of your energetic boundaries. Grounding and balancing, it orchestrates a symphony of alignment within all chakras.

As we weave through this crystal journey, may you find resonance with the energies that speak to your soul. This bracelet is not just an accessory; it's a conduit to the elemental forces that harmonize with your essence. Align your chakras, embrace the crystal symphony, and let the energies flow.